Friday, May 28, 2010

A Little Girl

Hubby and I have almost completely decided to not have any more kids. When I say almost completely I mean we are like 95% sure. I'm know deep down that Hubby secretly longs for a girl. Me not so much. Unless you ask me at Easter or Christmas when all the pretty dresses are out. People ask us all the time when we are going to try for a girl, and I sweetly reply "Maybe when we hit the lottery and can afford to pay someone to genetically guarantee us a little girl with caramel colored skin, grey-blue eyes and dark curly hair". OK maybe I've thought about it a little bit.

To tell you the truth, I am kinda scared to have a little girl. I have gotten that curse placed on me from my mother. You know the curse that all moms bestow on their daughters, the one that goes "I hope you grow up and have a girl that's just like you". I am terrified to have a daughter that acts like me. I was a horrible child and an even more awful teenager. It would be just my luck that I ended up having a daughter that's worse than me (if that's even possible).

With the boys it's so easy to get ready to go somewhere. I don't have to do their hair or worry about what shoes go with what outfit, or if it taboo to put socks on with the little black Mary-Jane shoes. Having bi-racial children (they are black and white), I was sure they would come out with "textured hair". All three of my boys have non-afro hair. Yep they got "white hair". There went my dreams of having three little Carmel complected boys with little afros and braids. They all have brown eyes too, just like their daddy. Not one of them got eyes lighter than black brown. Now with a girl, it would be just my luck that she would have the nappiest hair alive. You know the kind that breaks combs and brushes every time you try to brush it.

And those cute little dresses at Easter time? She wouldn't wear them. She would be just as opinionated and stubborn as I am. She probably would be running around in jeans and tennis shoes, climbing the barb wire fence in the back of the house trying to catch the baby cows so she could bring them home as pets. And the cute little braids and ponytails with barrettes on the end of them? She wouldn't have any of it. She would probably be running around with her hair in a fro-ey little pony tail.

UGH! Don't even have her yet and she's already turned out to be such a headache. I guess that when people ask us when we are going to have a little girl I will tell them this "I think we are just gonna stick with what we know". No need to rock the boat.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! That's part of the reason why I love having a girl- I want the relationship my mother and I have, and I wasn't such a terror, unlike some of the friends I had...

    But then again, you plan things out and the exact opposite happens. You just never know!
