Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wacky Law Wednesday

Today is Wacky Law Wednesday. I will be posting some of the Wacky Laws that each state has. Feel free to comment with any Wacky Laws that you may know of .


In L.A., it is LEGAL to for a husband to beat his wife with a leather strap as long as long as it is less than 2 inches wide, or she gives him permission to use a wider one.

In L.A., it is illegal to cry on the witness stand.

In L.A., it is LEGAL to cook in your bedroom, but ILLEGAL to sleep in your kitchen.

In L.A., a man must obtain a license before serenading a woman.

In L.A., it is illegal to lick a toad.

More than 300 sheep cannot be herded down Hollywood Blvd at any time.

It is a misdemeanor to shoot any kind of game from a moving vehicle, unless the target is a whale.

In Long Beach it is illegal to curse on a mini-golf course.

It is illegal for anyone to try and stop a child from playfully jumping over puddles.

It is illegal for a woman to drive a car in a housecoat. (my mom used to take us to school in her robe and slippers ALL the time growing up)

In San Francisco it is illegal to pick up and throw used confetti.

In San Francisco, it is illegal to possess kerchoo powders and stink bombs (i guess they feel that the city stinks enough without them)

The city of San Francisco own a copyright on the name "San Francisco"

In San Francisco, it is illegal for car wash attendants may not use old pairs of underwear to wash or dry cars.

In San Francisco, it is illegal for an elephant to stroll down Market street, unless it is on a leash.

A law created in 1925, makes it illegal to wiggle while dancing.

Animals are banned from mating publicly within 1,500ft of a public school or church.

A $500 fine will be given to anyone who detonates a nuclear device within city limits.

In Arcadia, Peacocks have the right of way to cross any street, including driveways.

Bathhouses are against the law.

In Belevedere City, No dog shall be in a public place without it's master on a leash.

In Blythe, you are not allowed to wear cowboy boots unless you already own at least 2 cows.

Women may not wear high heels while in city limits.

In Berkely, you can't whistle for an escaped bird before 7am.

In Ontario, it is illegal for a rooster to crow within city limits.

It is illegal to have Caller I.D.

It is illegal to set a mouse trap without a hunting license.

Selling a piece of gold without tooth marks is considered a forgery.

It is illegal to serve alcohol to a gay person.

In Riverside, it is illegal to kiss someone on the lips without wiping the lips with carbonized rose water first.

In Ventura, cats and dogs may not have sex without a permit. (with each other?)

It is illegal for a secretary to be alone in a room with her boss. (hmmmm)

It is illegal to eat an orange in your bathtub.

It is illegal to pile horse manure more than 6ft high on a street corner.

In Lodi, it is illegal to possess or sell Silly String.

Zoot suits are illegal.

It is illegal to own a snail, sloth, ferret, and elephant.

No alcoholic beverages may be displayed within 5 feet of a cash register of any store that sells both alcohol and motor fuel.

It is illegal to carry a lunch down the street between 11 and 1 o'clock.

In Palm Springs, it is illegal to walk a camel down Palm Canyon Drive between the hours of 4 and 6pm.

It is illegal for anyone classified as ugly to walk down the street.

In Prundale, it is illegal to have more than 1 bathtub installed in a house.

In Redlands, it is illegal to drive a car down city streets unless a man with a lantern is walking ahead of it.

In San Diego, it is illegal to shoot jackrabbits from the back of a moving streetcar.

Any house with Christmas lights up past February 2nd may be fined up to $250.

Sunshine is guaranteed to everyone.

In Monterrey County, molesting a butterfly is punishable by a $500 fine.

No vehicle without a driver may exceed 60mph.

It is illegal to play Bingo, drunk.

It is illegal to fake an organism.

it is illegal to use the bathroom with the windows open.

And last but not least..... It is illegal to shove a stick up a mountain goat's A**


Friday, January 7, 2011

Where Did Daddy's Keys Go?

My husband, Bouchet is a construction worker. Which means that he has to commute to work every day. He can be commuting anywhere from half an hour one way to a couple of hours one way. Lately he has been working a couple of hours away. So what the company does, is put him up in a hotel during the week, and he comes home on weekends (saves us a ton of money in gas and bridge toll).

So he comes home last Thursday night (Friday was a holiday) and puts his keys on my dresser. But wait, not only does he put his keys on the dresser, he puts the keys to the car he borrowed for the week from our friend Robert* on the dresser also. Kai and I had been laying in my bed because I wasn't feeling well and the big boys were in the playroom watching a movie.

So he comes in and lays down on the bed next to me, and we end up just hanging out in the room for a while, catching up on how our weeks went. While we are sitting there, Makai is running in and out, playing and stuff. No big deal. Right? Wrong!

At around 11:30 that night, hubby tells me that he is going to go outside and lock up Roberts car, and roll the back window up on my SUV. He goes in the room, comes back out and asks me if I'd seen the keys because he remembers putting them on the dresser before he showered, so he wouldn't loose them.

We go in the room and start looking for the keys. No luck. We search all over the house for the keys. No luck. By this time we are starting to panic because the key to Robert's car wasn't on hubby's key ring, it was just sitting next to them on the dresser. By itself. One little key, lost in a 1700 square foot house.

Well, one of Makai's favorite things to do is to take any keys he finds laying around, and "start" his bike with them. And yes, he had been riding his bike.

We search the house again, and can't find the keys anywhere. So I suggest that we wake Makai up and ask him if he'd seen the keys.

So we wake up Kai and he tells us that Daddy's keys are in the garbage. I think that may still be dreaming and ask him again where daddy's key are. And again he tells us that they are in the garbage. Now, the week before, Hubby had taken the garbage can outside to clean it and never brought it back in, so I had just been using one of those big, black 30 gallon trash bags for the garbage.

And it was full.

Hubby starts poking through the trash and finds his keys, but not the key to the car he borrowed. By this time I am starting to panic. I'm pretty sure that the key to Robert's car is chipped, and that means that we can't just have a locksmith come out to the house and make another key, we have to go to the dealer, and get another key for the car. And that means money. And we are currently out of money because I had just picked my SUV up at the dealer that morning and had to pay them $700.

We now what we need to do next, but neither of us really want to do it. We go into the kitchen an dump the 30 gallon trash bag onto the floor and proceed to go through it, piece by piece. 10 minutes later, all the trash has been gone through, there is coffee grinds all over the floor, but still no key.

We wake Kai up, show him a single black key (like Robert's) and ask him where he put the key. "Oh" he replies, "I put it on Daddy's car". Now we are really confused. I ask hubby if there is any way that Kai could have gotten outside without us knowing (scary thought). Turns out, Bubba had taken the dog out to go to the bathroom, and Kai had went outside with him.

Hubby goes out the front door, and what does he find? Robert's key, just sitting there on the porch.

Lesson learned. No more letting Makai play with our keys. And no more leaving them where he can reach them.


* name has been changed to respect the privacy of our friend.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wacky Law Wednesdsay

Every Wednesday I will post some of the Wacky Laws that I am able to find. I will go state by state in Alphabetical order.


A man can legally beat his wife, but not more than once a month.

In Fayetteville, it is illegal to kill "any living creature".

Schoolteachers who bob their hair may have to forfeit their pay raises.

Flirtation between men and women on the streets of Little Rock may result in a 30 day jail term.

A voter is only allowed 5 minutes to mark his ballot.

Alligators may not be kept in bathtubs.

It is illegal to mispronounce Arkansas. The correct pronunciation is "Arkansaw"

At Arkansas State University, two cannot hold hands while standing in a doorway unless they belong to a union.

It is illegal to buy or sell blue light bulbs.

In Little Rock, it is illegal to walk one's cow down Main Street after 1:00 PM on Sundays.

And Last But Not Least........

The Arkansas legislature passed a law that states that the Arkansas River can rise no higher then to the Main Street Bridge in Little Rock.

*Feel free to comment with any Wacky Laws you may know of.*

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Mouse In The House

We had a mouse in the house. I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, beings behind our backyard is a small hill and past that is the country. I'm just surprised that it took almost 2 years. If it was really quiet inside we could hear it playing with a water bottle cap under the stove. As long as he didn't get into any of our food, I wasn't too worried about it. I knew we would catch it eventually.

It was the boys first day back at school and I wanted to surprise them with breakfast. See I'm not a morning person, so I don't normally (ever) make them breakfast before school. So I go into the living room and open the blinds on the front window. I then turn and go to open the blinds behind the dining room table. As I do this I am mentally taking note of what I see on the floor. Makai's new vacuum, Coco's (our new Mini Pincher) toys, Cali (our cat), sitting next to her toy mouse. Wait. Toy mouse? I don't remember buying her one of those.

And then it dawns on me. Oh Crap! She caught the mouse!

So I have this moment of panic, like what do I do? I think it is dead, so the smart thing to do would be to get something to pick it up with so I can throw it in the trash. And then Cali takes a swipe at it and it runs across the floor. I scream, of course and run into the kitchen to try to find something to trap it with. Nothing. I start to panic. I run into the play room and get the butterfly net, run back into the living room and throw it over the mouse. Cali is freaking out, trying to get at the mouse. "Parker" I yell. "Parker get up! I need help!" "Cali caught a mouse and I need you to find me the bug catcher" (a plastic tub that has a lid with air holes in it). So he comes out of the room and brings me the broken one with no lid.

I'm like "really Parker?" "I'm gonna put this live mouse in something without a lid?"

By this time the cat is frantically trying to get to the mouse and bumps the net and the mouse runs out, across my foot and runs behind the computer. I of course scream and run the opposite direction.

"Bubba!" "Bubba wake up! Cali caught a mouse and I need the bug catcher with the lid."

Cali picks the mouse up with her teeth, and carries it across the room and puts it on the floor.

Apparently she thinks that It is some kind of cool toy.

I trap it with the butterfly net again, when Bubba comes into the room with the bug catcher (it was in the garage on the dryer because a very large wolf spider was living in it for a while).

By this time Parker is freaking out. He doesn't want Cali (or me) to hurt it because he thinks it will make a really cute pet. I try to explain to him that field mice have diseases, and if he wants a mouse pet that we will have to go to the pet store and get one.

As I am attempting to get this mouse into the bug catcher (the boys are sitting on the floor watching) it gets loose again and runs toward Bubba and starts climbing up his pants leg. "Run Bubba,Run" I scream. Bubba gets up and runs and the mouse falls onto the floor where the cat, once again, grabs it in her mouth. She puts it on the floor where I throw the bug catcher over it. Now I just have to figure out how to get get it flipped over so I can close the lid, without letting the mouse loose. With some fin-dangling and the help of a board book (which is now in the trash), we get upright and close the lid. The boys are now trying to convince me that we should just give it a bath to wash the diseases off of it. I tell the boys that we can let it go in the field down the street after school, so it can be free and go find its family.

They boys never did get their breakfast.