Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Wacky Law Wednesdays

Every Wednesday I am going to do a post about some of the wacky laws in America. I will go state by state, alphabetically.

I think that the funny thing about these laws is they have had to come into effect AFTER someone did each of these things.


In Jasper Alabama, it is illegal to beat your wife with a stick larger than your thumb.

In it is illegal to wear a dark moustache that may cause laughter in church.

Bear wrestling is illegal.

It is illegal to play Dominos on Sundays.

It is illegal to flick boogers into the wind. (EWWW!)

It is LEGAL to drive the wrong way down a one way street IF you have a lantern tied to the front of your car.

It is illegal to drive blindfolded. (DUH!)

In Anniston, Alabama it is illegal to wear blue jeans down Nobel Street. (I am assuming black and other colors are ok)

Women of uncertain chastity must be off the streets by 9pm.

Children born of incest are deemed legitimate as are incestuous marriages. (um, yeah. No comment)

It is illegal to carry an ice cream cone in your back pocket at any time.

In the event of a divorce, women retain all the property the brought into the marriage. Men excluded.

In Mobile Alabama, it is illegal to howl at women inside city limits.

It is illegal to stab yourself to gain someone's pity.

In Decatur Alabama, slavery is still legal. (how does that work?)

And last but not least:

It is illegal to chain your alligator to a fire hydrant.

*feel free to post a comment with any wacky laws that you might know.*

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