Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Wacky Law Wednesdsay

Every Wednesday I will go state by state posting some of the wacky laws that I am able to find. (some states are funnier than others)


In Tucson, it is illegal for women to wear pants.

In Glove it is illegal to play cards in the street with a Native American (I'm guessing that on the sidewalk is okay).

In Glendale, it is illegal to drive a car in reverse (so all houses have circular driveways?).

In Nogalas it is illegal to wear suspenders (because they would rather see someones butt crack?).

It is illegal to walk thru a hotel lobby in spurs.

Cutting down a cactus is punishable by a 25 year prison sentence.

If you commit a misdemeanor while wearing a red mask, it is considered a felony.

It is illegal to manufacture imitation cocaine (the real stuff is okay?).

Hunting camels is prohibited. (I wasn't aware camels were native to America)

It is illegal to refuse a person a glass of water.

In Prescott, it is illegal to ride your horse up the stairs of the county courthouse.

It is illegal for any person over the age of 18 to have more than one missing tooth showing when they smile.

In Mohave County, if you are caught stealing soap, you must wash yourself until it is all used up (um, yeah).

It is illegal to posses more than two dildos in any household.

Oral Sex is considered Sodomy.

And last but not least.....

In 1985, an Arizona legislator proposed that each candidate running for the legislature must take a reading and an I.Q. test three months before the election. The scores would then have been posted on the ballot. It was voted down.

*Please feel free to comment with any wacky laws you might know of*

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