Makai and I are hanging out on the couch while Hubby is getting ready to leave for work. All of a sudden Cali (the cat) starts yowling. Loudly. I look up, expecting to see her trying to escape out of the front door. She's not there. I get up and find her on the other side of the couch trying to get something underneath. Hmmmm. Probably just a spider or something. I pick up a bag of pullups off of the floor. Nothing there. I scoot the couch down a little. Nothing there either. I scoot the couch away from the wall and out runs this Gigantic Alligator Lizard.
AHHHH!!!! (My heart is racing and I am breathing in shallow gasps.
*side note- I am not normally afraid of lizards. I actually like lizards, snakes, frogs, preying mantis,etc*
I run outside where Hubby is jump-starting his car (bad battery) and yell that there is a monster lizard running loose in the house.
"Did ya catch it" Hubby asks.
"Um no" I really wasn't thinking about that at the time. (All I was thinkin
g was how glad I was that I didn't pee on myself when the lizard tried to eat me). Hubby comes in the house and we proceed to move the couch.
No lizard.
I pick up all the toys under the couch and...
Still no lizard.
By this time Makai is running around brying and saying over and over"It scared you""
Are you sure that you saw a lizard under the couch?"
"No. I imagined all this up so I could have you come in and play Knight In Shining Armor."
We start searching again and finally find the lizard/monster hiding on the fireplace. We try to grab it and it starts climbing up the bricks. I grab the lizard where it starts thrashing around and pees on my hand.
I drop it.
I grab it again and it sticks its tongue out at me.
EEEK! And I drop it again.
(Did I mention that this lizard is like 8 inches long?)
Hubby finally gets it cornered and I scoop it into Bubba's Bug Catcher. I shut the lid and breathe a sigh of relief. The monster is caught.
I grab my phone and snap a couple of pictures, send one to my mmom, (so the big boys can see) and send one to Facebook (of course).
Godzilla (the lizard/monster) gets placed on top of the fireplace so the big boys can let him go when they get home.
I think I'm gonna have the heebie-jeebies all night.
I love the part about the knight in shining armor! I would definitely freak if I found a lizard under the couch.