Friday, June 22, 2012

Back To Blogging...Again...

I haven't blogged for a while. 527 days to be exact. Wow!?! Has it really been that long? It doesn't feel like it's been that long. But I guess time has a way of passing by faster than we realize. Kids are a perfect example of how that happens... One day you are in the bathroom peeing on a stick for the first (but surely not last) time in your life and the next day you have 3 kids with the oldest getting ready to start 5th grade, the middle getting ready to start 3rd grade and a hyper-active 4 year old that is both the love of your life and the biggest pain in your ass. I originally started this blog for fun. It was a good way to be able to express myself creatively. I really do love to write. I have been and avid reader/writer since I was a little girl. Granted, I may not have been so into reading and writing as much if I hadn't spent a lot of time growing up, grounded. I tend to have a lot of personality, and usually don't have any problems expressing my opinion, even when other people don't want/need to hear it. Ok, yes. I was a smart ass. I always had something to say, and I always had to have the last word. And that kinda got me in trouble...A lot. Who am I kidding. It still does. Haha Blogging was also good way for the people that I love, that don't live close to us, to be able to keep up on what is going on with our family. It's nice to be able to share funny stories with people that you love, because really, whose kids are funnier, or more special than mine I'm totally joking). Especially when you are not being limited to 140/420 characters and the grammar mistakes that you have to commit to be able to fit what you have to say in that limited amount of space... Ahem. Now the problem I was having with blogging, was that I was feeling like I was writing for everyone else and not for me. My life isn't always cupcakes and rainbows (gasp!). Sometimes it's brussels sprouts and tornadoes. I was spending far too much time being being worried about what everyone else would think. And not enough time writing what mattered to me. So my pledge to myself here on out is to start writing about what I am truly feeling. If I am having a good day, my posts will probably be happy, with lots of smiley faces. If I'm not having such a good day, than my posts are going to reflect that. And if people don't like it, than I need to be ok with that. So there you have it. For better or worse, love me or hate me, this blog will truly be about the world inside my head.

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