Monday, July 26, 2010

Time-Outs and Tobasco Sauce

It's just me and Makai in the house cause Hubby had already left for work and the big boys are outside riding bikes with their cousin. He (Makai) didn't have a nap today so he was really tired and grumpy. He gets upset about not being able to play out front and starts to yell at me. I put him in his time-out chair and tell him to sit there for a minute.

And so the battle starts.

He starts off by screaming at me. I ignore him. He gets even more upset and start yelling "you hear me, mom" over and over. I continue to ignore him. All of a sudden I hear "YOU DUMMY-ASS".

Oh hell no! He did not just yell that at me. There is NO way I am letting him get away with that.

I go into the kitchen and grab a bottle of hot sauce cause I read this article about parents putting hot sauce on their kids tounges when they curse, talk back etc. (Seemed like a good idea at the time). I walk back over to him (he"s still screaming) and attempt to shake a drop or two onto his tounge.

Maybe I should have practiced first because about a tablespoon came out.

And he swollowed it.


He starts crying and choking and gagging and his nose starts watering. I run him over to the sink where he starts heaving. I give him some milk to calm his stomache and stop his nouth from burning. I pick him up and carry him to the couch. We sit down and all he keeps saying over and over is "I no yike da hot sauce mommy".

I now feel like the world's worst mom. Ever.

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