Monday, August 2, 2010

Non Comformist

I was always a non-conformist growing up. If you had an opinion about something, I disagreed and if there was a rule about something I broke it.


No Talking Back: Broken (I was nick-named Mouth of the South growing up by my dad).

No Lying: Broken (I cut class once and lied so well about it, I completely convinced myself that I didn't do it and was beside myself when I got punished for it).

No Stealing: Broken(In high school I had quite the collection of key chains from Spencers).

As I got older, I got a little better with following the rules. Kinda.

I just don't believe speen limits apply to me. (I really do believe that the government posts speed limits for the people that can't drive as well as I can).

So why? Why, why, why, why, why, did it surprise me that one of my children is also turning out to be a non-conformist?

Any guesses anyone? Yep you guessed it. Its my two yeard old, Makai.

I think he was placed here on earth for the sole purpose of breaking my rule-breaking record. He is so cute that many people may not believe the is as bad as I say he is. Let me give you "doubting thomas's" some example.

He spits in people's faces,bitten just about everyone we know, screams at people when they try to corrct him, refuses to sit in time-out, smeared poop all over the house, won't sleep in his own bed, kicked the cat,tried to rip the ears off my mom's dog, and the list keeps going.

Some people may think that he lacks dicipline, but if you read my post titled "Time-Out and Tobasco Sauce", you know this just isn't true.

He's just a non-conformist to the core.

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