Saturday, May 29, 2010

Intra-Uterine Devices, Pap Smears and Tattoos

As I have stated in a previous blog, hubby and I are 95% sure we are not having any more children. He has decided that when we are completely sure he will go and get snipped, but until then we have to figure out what to do to prevent an unplanned pregnancy. I was on the pill for a while, but the hormones didn't mesh well with my body. So I did some research, on some non-permanent, long term birth control options and I came up with the Intra-Uterine Device or IUD as it is more commonly known It is relative easy to insert and there are hardly any bad side effects. The only major thing is you may have some spotting for a while but after a couple of months it stops and you don't have any more periods. (I could live with no more periods).

So I made an appointment with my ob-gyn to come in and try to figure out if getting an IUD was the right decision for me. Of course when you get in there they ask you when was the last time you had a pap-smear. "Ummm, I don't really know maybe a year or two ago I" replied Then they ask if you want to do one today since you are already in the office. "UMM Sure?" was my response. Might as well get it over with. So they gave me one of those little paper gowns with the backs missing and left the room with the instructions to undress completely, and make sure the opening was in the back. As I am undressing, I am thinking to myself that it is probably a good thing that I shaved my legs in the shower this morning, but how long is this gonna take cause I REALLY gotta go to the bathroom. The doctor comes in and instruct me to sit up because she wants to listen to me breathe. So she opens the back of my gown and says "Oh is this a new tattoo?"

HUH? A Tattoo?

She completely threw me off with that question. I try to re focus on what she is asking me and not the task at hand. "Um tattoo?" I ask her. "I love it, its beautiful" she replies. My mind draws a blank. I am frantically trying to figure out what she is talking about. And then it hits me "oh the purple butterfly tattoo that's on my shoulder." I reply. I had completely forgotten about that. It's not something I see every day so it has a tendency to slip my mind. "Oh yes that was a birthday present to myself a couple of years ago". This is not what we are supposed to be talking about.

The Doctor finished my exam and left the room so I could get dressed. When she came back, she began talking about the IUD again. She then informed me that you don't stop ovulating when you are on it. In fact although a slim chance, you can get pregnant every month while you are on the IUD. The Embryo can't implant in the uterus so the doctors don't consider it a pregnancy. She said that a lot of religious people won't get the IUD because of that reason, they feel it causes abortion.

HMMMMMMM.... that is something to think about I told her. I didn't feel comfortable knowing that I could technically have 60 babies just expel out of my body.

I went home and talked to hubby about it and he felt the same way that I did about it. So we decided to keep doing it the old fashioned way with condoms and a lot of natural planning.

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